Keep Your Brain Young: Read, Be Bilingual, Drink Coffee
Stephen Krashen
My grandfather told me about senility,
I'm not worried about that. My grandfather said, "When you become senile,
you won't know it." (Bill Cosby) There are three things you can do to stay
young mentally and you can do all three at the same time.
Older people who read more do better on
tests of mental ability. If fact they do a lot better. The standard test used
to detect dementia is the MMSE, a short test of arithmetic, memory and spatial
relations. A research team , found that older people (average age 84) who said
they read novels and non-fiction averaged 27.3 on the MMSE, which is in the
normal range (27-30). Those who said they only read newspapers averaged 26,
which is just below normal (20-26 = "some impairment), but those who said they
did no reading averaged 21, well inside the "impaired" range). Smith
(1996) reported that in general older people do not do as well as younger
people on reading tests. But older (e.g. age 65 and older) who said they wide
variety of types of
reading, or genres (e.g. fiction,
current affairs or history, religion/inspiration, science/social science/) not
only read better than their age-mates who read less widely,
but read just as well as younger adults
(age 19 to 24) who read just one type of reading
material. Smith concludes that " …extensive
reading practice may help to ameliorate possible cognitive declines later in
life" (p. 217). A popular research design in dementia studies is to test
older people who don't have any signs of problems, and then retest them years
later, comparing those who develop problems and those who don't, called
"prospective" studies. In one prospective study,reported that 68% of
those who developed dementia five years after initial testing said they read
books or newspapers frequently (at least several times per week), but 86% of
those who did not were frequent readers, a significant difference. Geda and
colleagues recently reported similar results. One study found that older people
(average age 80) were better than younger people (average age 19) on vocabulary
and general knowledge, but statistical analysis revealed that age had nothing
to do with the difference: The difference was entirely because the older people
had read more. In the same study, younger people did better on tests of logical
thinking and "working memory." More reading meant somewhat less
decline in working memory but not in logical thinking. Be bilingual: Ellen
Bialystok and her colleagues (2007) examined those already diagnosed with dementia.
The bilinguals in their sample (those who used two languages on a daily basis since
childhood) developed symptoms of dementia about four years later than the monolinguals
(age 75.5, compared to 71.4). Bialystok and colleagues (2004) also studied why
bilingualism helps keep you mentally young. As people get older, they have more
difficulty at solving problems that require ignoring irrelevant information and
focusing just on important information. In other words, they are more easily
distracted (now what did I come downstairs for?). Also, younger people are
better at keeping information in their memories while solving a problem.
Bialystok and associates found that older bilinguals show less of a decline
with age than monolinguals in tasks that require keeping information in mind
and ignoring distractors. Apparently, the regular use of two languages helps
maintain this ability. Note that Bialystok's studies were with those who had
been bilingual since youth and who used both languages regularly. We don't yet
know if language acquisition in later life has a positive effect on the brain.
Drink coffee:
Prospective studies show that coffee
drinkers show less "cognitive decline" as they age:
van Gelder et. al. (2007) found that
all of their subjects ("elderly men") got worse on the
MMSE over ten years. But non-coffee
drinkers declined more, averaging 2.6 points, while coffee drinkers in general
declined 1.4 points. The group that did the best were those who drank three
cups a day, declining only .6 points, a decline more than four times smaller
than the decline experienced by non-drinkers. Three more prospective studies
found that those who developed Alzheimer's or dementia were less likely to be
regular coffee drinkers preceding the diagnosis. In one five year study, 71%
who did not develop Alzheimer's were coffee drinkers, and 57% of those who developed
Alzheimer's were, and in another five year study, 67% of those considered
"cognitively impaired" drank coffee but 76% of those who did not were
coffee drinkers (Tyas, et. al., 2001). The difference in this study was not
statistically significant, probably because of the small sample size: Only 33
"impaired" subjects were included. Eskelinen et. al. (2009) reported
similar results in a 21 year study: The lowest risk for developing dementia and
Alzheimer's was found in those who drank 3-5 cups per day. In a retrospective
study, one looking back in time, Maia and de Mendonca (2002) reported that
Alzheimer's sufferers consumed an average of between 75 mg of caffeine per day
in the 20 years preceding diagnosis. Control subjects, similar subjects without
Alzheimer's, consumed an average of about 200 mg per day. (Note: The average
cup of coffee has between 80 and 175 mg of caffeine. A Starbucks tall coffee
(12 oz.)
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